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why we all need to work

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i was in a class at the federal university of agriculture, abeokuta some years back when a professor of science was ask why he is working.
   many student thought the lecturer never knew the right answer to the question. the lecturer preceded and said ' i know many of you thought i am working for popularity or academicalarity (jokingly), but he said my main reason of working is for me to survive; that is for me to eat' to the student we where suprise, and he continue and said the primary reason of working is to feed one-self.

On the face of it, that’s a stupid question. We work to put food on the table and a roof over our heads, of course. We work toward the prospect of children in college and ourselves in rocking chairs. In other words: we work because we have to.
TIME is running a series of stories called Why We Work in which we explore the question more deeply. (Send me ideas if you’ve got ’em: I kicked things off with an article called The Zeal for the Job, in which I looked at people who change careers–and what that says about why we work.
As the deadline approached, I sent out a panicked e-mail to some friends with a “desperate plea” for leads on anybody they knew who had switched careers–a banker turned baker, a lawyer turned landscaper, a violinist turned Victoria-maker.
I was amazed at the response. It turns out all sorts of people have played switcheroo with their careers, abandoning longtime and extremely successful work to do something completely else. My friend Karen’s sister-in-law is a landscape architect who became a teacher. My friend Alan knows an oboist turned interior designer. My friend Gerry knew a teacher who he thought became a vintner, but when he checked it turned out the guy was less a winemaker than a wine drinker.
And those are the ones I didn’t even profile.

so everybody need to work for surviving...Read more »

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