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APD Recognized by the US Postal Inspection Service

The Arcadia Police Department has always had a great working relationship with our law enforcement colleagues, including the United States Postal Inspection Service. Today, the Assistant Inspector In Charge of the US Postal Inspection Service, Los Angeles, Eric Shen, and Postal Inspector Kimberly Granger paid APD a visit to recognize our staff for exceptional service and assistance in prosecuting cases in collaboration with the Postal Inspection Service. Over the course of the last year, APD has joined Postal Inspectors to successfully prosecute a number of cases involving mail theft, package theft, and fraud. From the work of our Patrol Officers, Evidence Technicians, and in particular, Detective "CJ" Clark and Detective Sergeant Brett Bourgeous, the local office wanted to recognize our efforts. Pictured L to R are Captain Paul Foley, Detective Lieutenant Colleen Flores, Assistant Inspector In Charge Eric Shen, Postal Inspector Kimberly Granger, Detective "CJ" Clark, Detective Sergeant Brett Bourgeous, and Evidence Technician Emily Hess.

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