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Weekly Tip - Be Safe While Out Walking!

Warmer weather, daylight saving time, summer approaching, are all reasons more pedestrians are hitting the road in the early mornings and evenings.  It is important to practice good walking and running safety as a pedestrian.  Many factors impact whether or not drivers will see pedestrians. Some vision obscurements and lighting conditions are not controlled by the pedestrian, but we can greatly enhance our safety and visibility with some proactive steps:
  • Wear light/bright colored clothing, preferably clothing with reflective strips or perhaps a safety vest.
  • Carry a lighted flashlight when walking at night.
  • Use sidewalks when available.
  • Walk facing traffic so you can see cars approaching.
  • If walking or running in the roadway, stay out of traffic lanes - it is unsafe and possibly unlawful.
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing streets, additional lanes, or driveways.
  • Never assume drivers will stop or yield - walk defensively.
  • If you must have music or talk on your phone, use only one earpiece and keep the volume down. Listen for traffic!
  • Be aware of your surroundings and practice personal safety!
    • Vary your routes so you are not predictable.
    • Avoid dimly lit roads, alleys, and areas.
    • Carry identification and a cell phone.
    • Walk with a partner or friend.
    • Don't approach vehicles stopping near you or in your path.
    • Consider personal safety items such as pepper spray.

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