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Bicycle Riders and Motorists Alike, Let's Be Cautious!

The Arcadia Police Department and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) today call upon bicycle riders and motorists alike to be cautious during May’s National Bicycle Safety Month, and every other month during the year.

For riders and drivers, "Roll Model" means actively decreasing the risks of traffic crashes, preventable injuries and deaths. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 818 bicyclists died and over 45,000 were injured in crashes in 2015, with deaths rising over 12% from 2014 numbers. Over the 10-year period from 2006 to 2015, the average age of cyclists killed in motor vehicle crashes increased from 41 to 45. Alcohol involvement – either for the motor vehicle operator or for the cyclist – was reported in 37% of all fatal cyclist crashes in 2015.

“Spring has arrived after a wet winter season which makes it a great time for family and friends to strap on a helmet, hop on a bike, and see just how fun and welcoming our community’s streets and bike paths are,” said Sgt. Kollin Cieadlo. “Whether a person rides or drives, everyone should know about bicycle safety, now more than ever.”

California has the Move Over Law to share the road requiring motorist to pass bike riders with at least a 3 foot cushion. Support community efforts in your community, be involved in bicycle safety, whether while riding a bike, or driving a vehicle.

* Be A Roll Model:
* Ride and Drive Focused - Never ride or drive distracted.
* Ride and Drive Prepared - Always expect the unexpected.
* Safety First - Always wear a bicycle helmet when on a bicycle and a seat belt when in a vehicle.
* Know the Rules of the Road - A bicyclist is considered a vehicle on the road with all the rights and responsibilities of motorized traffic.
* Share the Road - Both motorist and bicyclist should look out for each other and show mutual respect.

For more information on Bicycle Safety Month, please visit

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