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How to Make Money on Fiverr (How I Make $4000 a Month)

 Drawing, Designing, Graphics, Art, SEO, Article, music and audio, digital marketing, fun and live-style, 

How i make up to  4000 dollar (1261000 naira 

I joined Fiverr on September 2015 and have generated over 6 million naira from it.

Prior to joining, I used to get angry with my friend who was a freelancer on Fiverr.
We were running an offline joint-venture business back then. Every minute he could steal from time, he will quickly log in to Fiverr to do what I didn’t know.

Back then, I always saw Fiverr as a $5 marketplace and I couldn’t imagine how he would always dedicate more time to his Fiverr account instead of our offline business which was making us good money…..(so I thought).

I didn’t miss any opportunity to make joke of him for slaving away on Fiverr and he wasn’t deterred at all by it……possibly he’d be laughing at me in his mind.

It was not until my fiancé finished school and was looking for what could keep her busy that the veil covering my eyes was removed.

I told my friend to teach her Fiverr so she could keep herself busy with it.

Her first month on Fiverr, she made $450.
That was huge compared to the time she spent on it.

It was then that I knew that there was something big happening in Fiverr and that was possibly why my friend gave good attention to it.

This was in 2014.

Fast-forward to 2015, our joint venture business started going down and I needed another supplementary income lest I go hungry.
My friend told me to come over to Fiverr and I lazily agreed.

My first month on Fiverr, I made $950……double of my income in the offline business I was running.

What really drew me in wasn’t really the money, but the fact that I wasn’t bothered about overhead, paying staff, going on marketing, etc. I just stayed back in the office, worked few hours per day and that was all.

I became really obsessed with Fiverr that I had to close down my offline business to focus on Fiverr…..that was very silly to many people, but it wasn’t to me.

Fast forward to 2017, I have earned as high as $3,000 in some months, with my lowest month being $850.

I want to share five important lessons I learnt from Fiverr. I believe if you learn it from me and apply it, you can earn a full time income, bigger than what many WORKING CLASS people earn.

Here are the five lessons:

1.     More money is made in the upsell:

If you are in the internet marketing space, you will understand the importance of upsell.

Let me use a practical example to explain what an upsell is.

When you order a product from Amazon or Ebay, you would see something like: “those who bought this product also bought this”.

The try to show you other products you might possibly need based on your current purchase. They know you are still in the mood of buying and so may possibly buy more.

With this, they make more money from you while they can.

The same thing applies to Fiverr.

Each service you render on Fiverr will invariably have lots of interrelated service.
For example, I’m copywriter on Fiverr and I know that anyone who hires me to write the content of their sales page, will invariably need email copies and squeeze page copies.

So when you place the order for a sales page copy, I will quickly respond to you, thanking you for placing the order and recommending those other services to you. I won’t just recommend, I will tell you reasons why you need them if you want to maximize your sales and conversion.
Most times, the client agrees because they just bought and so I’ll make more money than I would have normally gotten from the client.
This has enabled me earn up to $700 from a single client in one order.

You can also apply this and see how your revenue will increase, even when your client base is not increasing.

Another method of using this is through gig extras.
Add all those upsells in your gig extra so the buyer can easily see it and make a choice. 
If they don’t, then you communicate and convince the buyer yourself as I described above.

2.     Don’t rely on Fiverr traffic

Fiverr sure has a lot of traffic that can help you get sales. But if you are serious about growing your sales and revenue, you don’t need to rely on Fiverr traffic.

The millions of traffic that Fiverr gets monthly is not for you alone. It is meant to be shared among the thousands of freelancers they have on their platform.

What is the probability that you will get a good chunk of that traffic to your gigs?

Of course, you can use some Fiverr SEO tactics to receive more visits to your gigs, but you should bear in mind that Fiverr algorithm for gig ranking keeps changing too and what you did today to get yourself ranked, might make you enter the second page by tomorrow.

Many top sellers on Fiverr have been hit by these algorithm changes, so you are not immune to it.

The best thing for you is to optimize your gig for Fiverr searches and in addition, get more traffic direct to your gig from outside Fiverr.

Use social media, forums and even paid ads to get more targeted traffic to your gigs.

Trust me that many business owners don’t even know about Fiverr. When you reach out to them through these platforms and let them know they can get a high quality service at a cheaper price on Fiverr, they will quickly move to it.

37% of my Fiverr revenue comes from clients who saw my gig from outside the Fiverr platform.

You can also use this tactics to make more sales and revenue even if Fiverr changes their algorithm every day.

3.     Bidding early matters a lot…being 10th or down isn’t cool

On Fiverr, I’m not just a seller (freelancer), I also buy services there too. So I have had the opportunity of seeing things from both the buyer and the seller end.

When you visit the buyer request section, you will see over 20 sellers bidding on a single project.

For the buyer, they are usually overwhelmed with requests and so they end up interacting with the first 5-10 bidders. The buyer might even make a buying decision from the first or second bidder.

What this means is that if you want to increase your chances of getting the job, make sure you frequent the buyer request section and always bid on request as soon as possible so that you will be among the first five persons to bid.

That way, the buyer may see you and consider you among his options when making a buying decision.

Additionally, make sure your bidding proposal stands out with its content, else the buyer will just ignore your post and go for other bidders.

4.     Your gig package is meant to hoodwink the seller to pay more

Fiverr introduced the gig packages last year and that to me is one of the best updates they have done since I joined them in 2015.

The three gig packages enable you to charge your clients higher amount for more services. It’s meant to make your buyer prefer to pay higher hoping to get more quality at lesser amount.

For example, if you offer article writing services, your basic package could be 100 word SEO article for $5. The next package would be 500 words for $15, while the third package would be 1000 words for $25.

This way, your client would think that 1000 words is the best since he will get more value (1000 words) for less ($25 instead of $50). So they will probably ignore the $5 and go for the $25.

This is how I package my gigs to make the buyer happily pay more.

Repurpose your gig packages so that your buyers see more value in paying you more.

5.     You must see Fiverr as a real business

One of my most favorite business quotes is this: “if you want your business to give you full time income, then you must give it full time attention”.

If you want to make a sizeable income from Fiverr, then be ready to see and treat it like a real business.

By this, I mean that you should spend good enough time getting new customers both within and outside Fiverr platform. You should also endeavor to over-satisfy your clients by delivering quality service on time all the time.

Quality and on-time delivery will lead to your clients referring you to their friends offline….it has happened to me multiple times.

Even though, I now work less on Fiverr (I don’t drive external traffic to my gigs and I don’t even visit the buyer request section again) due to other internet businesses I’m trying to learn, I still get a considerable amount of sales and revenue from Fiverr.

Fiverr is not just a place for $5 jobs; you can make a full-time living from it if you will take time to learn more about it in addition to the lessons I just shared with you here.

If you want to do it 

Good luck to you.

sign-up now for free

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